
New office of IBLF-Russia

Please notice change of office address

Parus Business Centre 23, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Str., bld.1

Moscow 125047 Russia

Tel.:+7 (495) 916-70-80
YMaps.jQuery(function () { var map = new YMaps.Map(YMaps.jQuery("#YMapsID-329")[0]); map.setCenter(new YMaps.GeoPoint(37.586669,55.77549), 16, YMaps.MapType.MAP); map.addControl(new YMaps.Zoom()); map.addControl(new YMaps.ToolBar()); map.addControl(new YMaps.TypeControl()); YMaps.Styles.add("constructor#pmdbmPlacemark", { iconStyle : { href : "http://api-maps.yandex.ru/i/0.3/placemarks/pmdbm.png", size : new YMaps.Point(28,29), offset: new YMaps.Point(-8,-27) } }); map.addOverlay(createObject("Placemark", new YMaps.GeoPoint(37.586733,55.775079), "constructor#pmdbmPlacemark", "Бизнес-центр \"Парус\",
Москва, 125047, 1-я Тверская-Ямская ул., 23, стр.1
(м. Белорусская)")); function createObject (type, point, style, description) { var allowObjects = ["Placemark", "Polyline", "Polygon"], index = YMaps.jQuery.inArray( type, allowObjects), constructor = allowObjects[(index == -1) ? 0 : index]; description = description || ""; var object = new YMaps[constructor](point, {style: style, hasBalloon : !!description}); object.description = description; return object; } });
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